Thursday, September 24, 2015

Summary: Why The Climate Fight Needs Engineers

In the article "Why The Climate Fight Needs Engineers?”, Shah (2015) stated that engineers would be highly needed in the future for sustainable developments in Asia. In order to accomplish it, the Engineers Progression Pathway programme was introduced to make provision for potential engineers. Sights of Asian cities faced with drastic weather conditions leading to floods, extreme high temperatures and droughts, water shortages, and rising sea levels have proven its' vulnerability from the results of fast-changing cities developments and population growth. These were highlighted to the government for "the urgency of a low carbon economy". Four main key areas including clean environment and water resources; sustainable development and infrastructure; sustainable energy; and resilience and adaptation against climate change were identified as main roles to deal with climate changes. The author mentioned the importance of engineering since Singapore turned independent in 1965. An example would be the desalination and water reclamation technology whereby we were able to ensure our water sufficiency. Hence, there was a need for sustainable engineering. Sustainable Singapore Blueprint (SSB) was initiated to develop Singapore as a zero-waste nation, like “eco-smart” housings, through systems and technology. With the integration of a green economy, it brings a step closer towards the nation’s objective; the world’s first Smart Nation.


  1. Hi Peiyan, the summary of the article was very concise and it had a good use of words and substitutions of words were very apt and accurate. Your summary was well summarized under the word limit and was clear enough to illustrate what the author was trying to convey in a matter of 210 words you wrote. It was written in the past tense throughout and you were consistent with the tenses. Also, I found that you had rearranged the words so much so that it was different from the passage yet brought about the same meaning. The organization was also systematic with supporting points as well as examples which I felt helped me understand the whole article, since I had read it before hand and it show well in this summary. I have learned some things from reading your summary article. Thanks for your the well summarized article! Good luck for your readers response.


    1. Hi Johan, thank you for your detailed comments you have pointed out while reading my summary and your quick response. I appreciate it.

      I look forward to your reader response!
